Sohar Poultry
Company SAOC

Sohar Poultry Company SAOC is a joint stock Company registered on 30 March 1983.

The company operates as an integrated poultry operation in Sohar and Barka, to produce and market high quality fresh chicken in various forms for local consumptions and export.


Sohar Poultry is to establish itself as a premier brand.

Sohar Poultry is to establish itself as a premier brand in the production and marketing of quality products, that will capitalize on its assets, expand and leverage on the knowledge about market place, provide healthy returns for its investors and develop a foundation for a larger portfolio of successful food products.


Sohar Poultry operates within strict legal and ethical guidelines.

We care about our customers and build long-term relationships with them. We attract, train, develop and strive to retain quality employees. We continue to exploit technology and to advance our production & marketing expertise.

We strive to improve the quality of our products and to follow the HACCP and ISO 22000 regulations, which enable us to secure the best meat quality to our consumers.